Duncan Wither

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Excel Calculators

This is a collection of calculators for useful formulas.

This is a function generator so you can simply create a histogram (using a bar chart) in older versions of excel. The function creates the counts for given bins.

This assumed your bin values are in a ordered vertical list (small to large), and you can just drag the output down to get the values. Note the bin count for (for example) B4 is for between B4 and B5

It is recommended to fix the data array in place (i.e. use "$" before and after the letters"). See the microsoft blog for more info on this.

Data Range:

Bin Top Cell:



This is a handy function generator for converting a n-columns by m-rows matrix of data into a single column of data. Your options are:

Data Top Left Cell:

I strongly recommend adding "$" either side of the letters (e.g. "$A$1") to *fix* the reference

Number of Data Columns (n):

Number of Data Rows (m):

[Optional] Row of Top Vector Cell:
