Duncan Wither

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Gemini Site

Written: 15-Feb-2024

Good news everybody! This website is available on gemini.

Please go to gemini://duncanwither.com on your gemini client of choice to see. It’s just a mirror of this, using a similar scrip to the website-mk4, but replacing pandoc with lowdown.

If you don’t havce a client1 installed plesae use a proxy, or just follow this link.

Yes this was required, as pan doc doesnt (yet) have gemtext support. That is, however, hardly suprising given the format isn’t formalised. lowdown is nice and simple, and seems to work a treat!

Regarding hosting, it’s pretty simple with agate, and there are plenty of tutorials but it’s pretty simple. Minimal configuration required. The only hiccup for me was remembering to enable port 1965 on the firewall:

sudo ufw allow 1965

Nice, easy and simple, sort of like how the protocol wants things to be. Should be fun messing with it.


More Notes

Okay, so I’ve done some more messing round, and the conversion isn’t perfect. The one dificulty atm is the fact that spaces with links in their names don’t work. I’ll need to find a way of fixing these links, but for now it’s not an issue.

  1. I have tried castor and it was good.↩︎