Duncan Wither

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Terminal Tut 0 - Intro

Written 05-Mar-2022

This is a brief guide to the command line / terminal1. It’s only as in depth as it needs to be able to do basic work in the command line, i.e. if you’re looking to mess around on a raspberry pi.

The structure is some explainers, culminating in a couple of cheat-sheets for quick reference.

This is all based on my usage and contains all my idiosyncrasies. Like being taught to drive by a family member, its cheap and quick, but you may pick up some bad habits.

  1. Terminal Tut 1 - Meta Commands
  2. Terminal Tut 2 - Chaining
  3. Terminal Tut 3 - Scrpting
  4. Terminal Tut 4 - Regex intro
  5. Regex Cheat Sheet
  6. Terminal Cheat Sheet
  7. Scripting Cheat Sheet

  1. I’m not fussy on naming. Or at least I try not to be.↩︎